
This month's episode focuses on Peer Instruction, a classroom practice we recently covered in a Pedagogy Quick Read.

07 May 2020

While curricula have shifted in favour of computer science over the last decade, the subject's success lies in the hands of those teaching it. Educators will soon be able to take part in an action research-focused course, aimed at supporting continuous improvement in the classroom.

05 May 2020

Hello! We hope you enjoyed your first week on our new Home teaching programme. Lots of parents and teachers have contacted us with pictures of the fantastic projects they’ve been making with their young people. Here's a nice one from Dan Smith and his five year old.

04 May 2020

Current circumstance has had a profound impact on the way that education is delivered to students around the world. This quick read introduces some terms, frameworks, and barriers related to distance learning, and aims to support educators as they transition to online teaching.

28 April 2020

Given current events we wanted to hear from a group of educators about their experiences of shifting learning online at short notice. The challenges and opportunities they have encountered as well as their recommendations of tools, approaches and content.

02 April 2020

Following our recent quick read on the same subject, I spoke to Rebecca Franks from the Raspberry Pi Foundation about the benefits of Live Coding in computing education.

19 March 2020

Concept maps could be presented to learners to convey connections between concepts or created/completed by learners themselves. They can even be used to capture and assess pupil understanding.

17 March 2020

A progression framework is the backbone of any subject curriculum. From our research, we have found that there are two quite different ways of presenting progression that show what should be taught and when it should be taught, as well as information on how or why concepts should be taught.

25 February 2020

This week saw the launch of two Year 7 programming units for the NCCE Resource Repository. We’re very excited that they will be the first of many programming units to appear on the Resource Repository, and want to explain the thinking behind these units.

25 February 2020

Almost a year ago, we began the task of deciding what the ‘best’ approach would be to covering the entire content of the KS1 and 2 Computing National Curriculum. We had the national curriculum, but what it doesn’t show is how to get learners from their starting point, to the predefined end points.

25 February 2020