Frequently Occurring Problems

This page offers some solutions to issues you may encounter.

FutureLearn course not showing on progress page

Data from FutureLearn is updated on each day on weekdays, so if you start or complete a course, this will not show straight away. However, if it's still not showing up after a few days, there are a few things you can check.

Email addresses need to be the same

Is your email address for the same as the one you used to register with FutureLearn?

If not, please change the one on by clicking 'Edit Profile' at the top of the page, changing the email address in your STEM profile and saving this. Then log out and back in again. The next time we update data (usually run each weekday, so please leave at least 24 hours before checking), we should be able to match your email address in both systems.

Don't change your email address on FutureLearn - they continue to identify users in their data using the email address they signed up with.

If you no longer have access to the email address that you used to register on FutureLearn, you will need to speak to our support staff by calling 01904 328 300 or emailing,

You need to join courses from the pages

Joining a course using a 'Join' button from a course page (accessible from gives you unlimited access to the current or upcoming 'run' of each FutureLearn course. If you found the course on FutureLearn and joined there, rather than following the link from, the course will not show up on your account. If that course run is still open for registration, you can follow the link on the teachcomputing course page to join 'officially', so that will will correctly track your course progress. Data from FutureLearn is imported each weekday, so please leave at least 24 hours for the course to update on your dashboard.

If using the link from a course's page gives you access to a later course run, please contact one of our support team by calling 01904 328 300 or emailing