Home teaching: what's in store for week 2?

Hello! We hope you enjoyed your first week on our new Home teaching programme.

Lots of parents and teachers have contacted us with pictures of the fantastic projects they’ve been making with their young people. Here's a nice one from Dan Smith and his five year old.

Cutest. Algorithm. Ever. If you want to get your projects featured next week, send us a message on Twitter or Facebook!  

Ready for more? Below is a quick-access guide for this week's activities, but before you begin, there are three important things you should know...

  1. If you've just come across our lessons on week 2, don't be afraid to go back and start at week 1 if you need to.
  2. The activities are designed to be run by teachers AND parents.
  3. You and the young people you are working with can get help with this week's topics by joining our daily drop-in web chats. The timings for these are on each key stage homepage.

Week 2 Activities

Key Stage 1

  • Who dreams of being part-human, part-robot? Barefoot clearly do as they've created this awesome activity where children create and sort a sequence of instructions to programme their Human Robot to move. An 'exoskeleton' made from tin foil and cardboard is highly recommended for all human robots.  

Key Stage 2

  • Grab your space suits, because we are about to get Lost In Space! with this stellar activity. Programme your own animation in Scratch and soon you'll be in a galaxy far, far, away!

Key Stage 3

Key Stage 4

Key Stage 5