Ready for success: preparing your department for September

Whether you’re new to the role or have several years under your belt, getting ready for September always brings a fresh set of challenges. With a solid plan and support from NCCE through the summer months and into the new year, you can return in September knowing you’ve got everything in hand.

Describing it as a ‘funny old year’ doesn’t quite do justice to the disruption of lockdown learning, the assessment pressures of the summer term and the wildly varying experiences of students, and teachers, coming to computing. As education recovery gathers pace and schools take stock of their specific needs, it’s vital to understand not just “what works” but “what works for you”. Our leadership and curriculum development courses aim to do just that, providing you with the time and support to reflect on the evidence and implement a plan that suits you, your colleagues and your learners.

If you need support to develop a more holistic plan for the department, including teachers from other subjects who may be leading just a couple of lessons a week, those fresh from training, or those who have recently moved to become teachers of computing, there is a range of help available. Your local Hub and subject matter experts are on hand to assess your needs and answer your questions, free of charge.

If your team members are “on-loan” from English, Maths, or elsewhere in the curriculum, we’ll help them gain the confidence they need to provide an outstanding computing education to all young people. To take the load off your shoulders - and prepare new computing teachers for the year ahead, our flexible package of CPD can be accessed during those first staff training days in September before learners arrive - and throughout the year. The comprehensive Teach Computing curriculum will get them up and running, with everything they need to teach lessons to all year groups.

Of course, while this topsy-turvy year may seem radically different, the building blocks of success remain. Strong subject knowledge among teachers, underpinning effective and informed teaching, assessed with high-quality instruments, leads to improved outcomes. Some things never change.

Steps to success:

Education recovery

Develop a sustainable and effective education recovery plan with our curated selection of CPD.

External support

Contact your local Computing Hub and the team of Subject Matter Experts for support in planning a support package for your department.

Curriculum design

Subject knowledge development

Build subject knowledge for you and the whole team with CS Accelerator. Follow CPD pathways for those new to computing, for teachers adding GCSE responsibilities to the teaching of KS3 computing, or to help ease the transition from other subjects.



Start date  

Business teachers

New to computing pathway for Business teachers

1 September

Design and technology teachers  

Introduction to algorithms, programming and data for D&T teachers

6 September

Modern foreign languages 

New to computing pathway for modern foreign language teachers

7 September 

Maths teachers 

New to computing pathway for Maths teachers

7 September 

Arts teachers 

New to computing pathway for music, art and media teachers

7 September 

PE teachers

New to computing pathway for PE teachers

8 September  

Humanities teachers

New to computing pathway for humanities and PSHE teachers

9 September  

Science teachers 

New to computing pathway for Science teachers

10 September 

English teachers

New to computing pathway for English teachers

10 September