New NCCE report shows thousands of teachers supported by its work

It’s two years since the launch of the NCCE and, since then, we’ve reached thousands of teachers and students through our courses, training, teaching resources, and our network of Computing Hub schools.

Our second anniversary is a good point in time to reflect on the NCCE’s journey so far, so today we’ve published our NCCE Impact Report looking at our work since November 2018.

Read the full report here.

Of course, no-one could have imagined the impact that coronavirus has had on education throughout 2020 and, like schools everywhere, the NCCE adapted quickly to deliver our training courses online.

Also this year, we launched our high-quality Teach Computing Curriculum with over 500 hours of free resources providing everything teachers need to teach computing at key stages 1-4.

Teachers have also shown incredible resilience in the face of sustained pressures,  and have continued to work with us to improve computing education across England.

Our NCCE Impact Report bears that out, showing thousands of teachers engaging in our training courses and passing new skills on to their students.

“I am hugely grateful to the teachers, school leaders, and our partners who have supported our ambition,” writes Professor Simon Peyton Jones, Chair of the NCCE, in the report.
“The NCCE is playing an important part in re-imagining computing as a foundational school subject like maths and natural science, which all children should learn to equip them for life and work.
“Computer science is now an explicit part of the curriculum, alongside digital skills and competence. This is a huge opportunity for our young people and our economy.”

We’re also delighted at the feedback from those teachers, with three quarters of secondary school teachers telling us that the NCCE’s professional development (CPD) courses have had a significant impact on their students;  82% of Computer Science Accelerator (CSA) graduates said their colleagues had also benefitted from their knowledge and almost half of teachers (50% for secondary and 47% for primary) said that NCCE courses had helped them to raise the profile and/or priority of computing in their school.

Max Ruddock is one of the 7,600 teachers who have undertaken continuing professional development through the NCCE. Max is an English teacher who was asked to coordinate Computer Science at his school, and attended the NCCE’s Summer School for early career computer science teachers.

“I cannot recommend it highly enough,” he said. “The course provides all participants with the skills, knowledge and pedagogical applications for delivering a world-class computing education and I welcomed the opportunity to discuss current educational research and pedagogy with other participants.”

The NCCE’s work is collaborative and we’re also grateful to our partners whose funding has helped to make this possible, including  Arm, BT, Google, IBM, Microsoft, Nationwide and Rolls-Royce.

The NCCE is now set to expand its offer, reach and access, to increase engagement with schools in priority areas, to move beyond early adopters and to remove further barriers to achieving our vision  - for every child in every school in England to have a world-leading computing education.

The NCCE’s first two years in numbers:

  • 29,500 teachers engaged from 8,500 primary schools and 3,000 secondary schools.
  • 7,600 teachers have accessed NCCE continuing professional development (CPD) courses.
  • 2,000 teachers and 18,000 students using Isaac Computer Science to support A level Computer Science.
  • 1,300 teachers have now completed the programme to teach Computer Science GCSE.
  • 34 Computing Hubs in schools across England acting as local champions for Computer Science.
  • 275 Computing at School (CAS) communities providing support and networking.
  • 500 hours of learning materials in our Teach Computing Curriculum (TCC).
  • 125,000 TCC units of work downloaded.