National Centre for Computing Education update

To fully support our community at this time, we have been working hard to adapt our programmes and roll out a range of online materials to support teachers, schools and students.

Professional development courses for teachers

We have adapted our face-to-face courses for remote delivery. Each course is made up of facilitator-led sessions and participant tasks and delivered across a series of short sessions, to help you to fit your study around other commitments.

Courses are now available to book on the website.

We continue to provide online professional development courses for primary and secondary schools teachers and strongly encourage you to sign up.

Support for home learning

  • To help support teachers, parents and students we’ve brought together a range of home learning resources that can be used to continue educating and supporting young people whilst they are at home. This includes our fantastic resource repository, through which you can access lesson plans, units and activities that can be used to teach young people.
  • You can listen to our podcasts and hear experts, teachers and educators discussing their approaches to key teaching issues.
  • For A Level teachers and their students log on to the Isaac Computer Science platform for easy to use resources and activities on a range of topics.
  • And you can join the conversation with the Community of Practice hosted by Computing at School at virtual Community Meetings, through the CAS Forum and via Facebook too.

Coming soon: home teaching activities

We have created a new programme to help students of all ages to continue their computing studies while at home. Teachers and parents will be able to schedule the activities as part of the school day.

A timetable of sequential, topic-led activities will be available, as well as live online support during the summer term.

We want to hear from you

We’ve developed a short survey for teachers, parents and students to help us prioritise the resources we develop to support learning and teaching of computing at home during the summer term. Complete survey here.

Further updates will be posted here as we receive more information, and you can keep up to date with us on Twitter @WeAreComputing.